Happy Violets Bouquet
The perfect pick for any purple-lover, this modern, monochromatic mix of roses and mums is artistically arranged in a glass cube vase with a soft purple graphic motif of African violets.
Details: Lavender roses, purple button spray chrysanthemums, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender matsutmoto asters and purple seafoam statice, leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. Arranged in a glass cube vase with photographic motif of African violets. Approximately 13" W x 12" H
Choose Your Size: Standard or Premium
Select a size option using the drop-down menu above. Standard size is as shown in the image. Premium floral arrangements are arranged in the same container but with more flowers, creating a larger, fuller bouquet.
Add On's: Check out the Add On's section for a wide selection of items to enhance your order, including balloons, plush and boxed chocolates.
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