Winter Collage Bouquet

Winter Collage Bouquet

  • 7500

Give the gift of style with this breathtaking bouquet. Billowing white hydrangea and fragrant white Asiatic lilies are mixed with red carnations, pinecones and seasonal greens in an arrangement they'll never forget.

DetailsWhite hydrangea, white asiatic lilies, red carnations and green button mums, white limonium, white pine, holly and pinecones arranged in a timeless, clear glass hurricane vase. Approx. 13 3/4" W x 14 3/4" H

Choose Your Size: Standard or Premium
Select a size option using the drop-down menu above. Standard size is as shown in the image. Premium floral arrangements are arranged in the same container but with more flowers, creating a larger, fuller bouquet.

Add On's: Check out the Add On's section for a wide selection of items to enhance your order, including balloons, plush and boxed chocolates. 

Local Delivery: For a list of cities included in the local delivery area and more information about delivery options click here.

Make a Purchase, Make a Difference®  Proceeds from your purchase are donated to enhance patient care across the Hamilton Health Sciences family of hospitals. For more information click here.


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